The t04 CAS is an updated skiff friendly version of the classic Fonitronik Cascade module – a 4HP DIY Eurorack triple Attenuverter with mixed cascading output normalisation.
CAS has 3 channels of attenuvertion with bicolor LED indicators and the option to add up to 2 x gain of the original signal per channel. This allows for mixing, boosting, attenuating and/or inverting any incoming signal. The input of each channel is normalled to a +5V voltage source, allowing for each channel to be used as an offset/mactro control when the input is unpatched.
There are two modes of mixing the three channels, the mode is set via a jumper on the back of the module. In both modes, patching from the output of channel 1 or 2 removes the respective channel from the mix:
- CASCADE MODE: With this setting, the output of channel 1 is mixed into channel 2 (as long as no cable is patched into output 1), and the output of channel 2 is mixed into channel 3 (as long as no cable is patched into output 2).
- PARALLEL MODE: In this mode, both of the outputs of channel 1 and channel 2 are mixed directly into channel 3 (as long as no cords are patched into the outputs of 1 and 2).
See the User Manual for more info and patch examples.
- Flexible mixing, attenuation and inversion of audio and control voltages
- Output normalisation with Cascade or Parallel modes
- Up to 2 x Gain boost on each channel
- +-5 volt normalisation at each channel input.
- Bipolar LEDs to indicate amplitude and polarity
- You can never have enough mixing, atten, invert & offset!
- Original design by Matthias @ Fonitronik
- Width: 4HP
- Depth: 25mm (including power connector)
- Power: +12V 23 mA, -12V 16 mA
t04 CAS – Build Document | User Manual | Modular Grid