Turing Expander VACTR0L MIX Panel / PCB

£0.00 (Excl. VAT)

VactroI Mix combines four audio or CV signals into two channels, determined by the random sequence. It’s a great way to create stereo effects, complex waveforms or feedback loops.

This product does not contain the VactroIs you need. The vactroI mix is now becoming obsolete and you will need to source the vactroIs required elsewhere if you buy this panel/pcb set from Thonk.

The silver aluminium panel is now out of stock and won’t be restocked again.


This is the Panel and PCB for the VactroI Mix expander for the Turing Machine MK i and MK ii.
VactroI Mix combines four audio or CV signals into two channels, determined by the random sequence. It’s a great way to create stereo effects, complex waveforms or feedback loops.

Thonk build documentation is here – https://www.thonk.co.uk/Documents/Turing/expanders/
Music Thing Modular documentation is here – https://github.com/TomWhitwell/TuringMixExpander

This module will not function without a Turing Machine attached.

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