RYK Modular – Vector Wave – Full DIY Kit

£212.50 (Excl. VAT)

FM / Harmonic Vector Stereo Synth Voice

Recommended for experienced builders only – see details below

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SKU: Kit_RYK_Vector_Wave Categories: , , , Brand: HP Size: 17 HP


The Vector Wave from RYK Modular brings together the awesome power of 16 oscillator FM, combined with Vector synthesis OR true multi-voice polyphony.

The Vector Wave is a feature packed compact Eurorack module, which can be used as a stand alone synth-voice without the need for external VCA,ENV, LFOs etc


-16 oscillators, divided into 4 banks, oscillators can freely configured into series or parallel combinations for complex FM or additive synthesis

-A cute Vector Joystick for morphing between oscillator banks, for cool performance timbre sweeps and sonic movement
Vectors can be recorded from the joystick and replayed from trigger sources, or animated from external or internal modulation sources

-Super cool retro Big-Pixel screen, ideal for nostalgia freaks or the visually impaired

-Wave Warping brings grit and aggression to the FM synthesis with oscillators continuously variable between Sine,Tri-ish Saw, Pulse waveforms

-Wave Folding for subtle to extreme sonic bending

-Two Envelope generators [ per voice in polyphonic modes ], and two LFOs with all controls assignable as modulation destinations

-Intuitive Modulation Slot patching from external and internal sources to be routed to any parameter within the Vector Wave

-30 User Voice storage spaces for storing your synth masterpieces to internal memory, enabling you to impress your friends at a later date

-Three modes of oscillator bank allocation Monophonic Vector, and Polyphonic Voice, and Multitimbral Polyphonic

-MIDI input for a spaghetti-free Polyphonic setup, velocity, aftertouch and MIDI CCs available as modulation sources

-Slim but handsome Expander Module also available that adds 3 more V/oct and Gate inputs, for maximum mutli-voice multitimbral melodious mayhem !

And, an awesome hidden retro video game . . .

Please note: This kit is recommended for experienced builders only

To build the kit you MUST have the following:

-Accurate and stable 5.00V reference source to calibrate the module
-Flux pen, or liquid flux
-Two mini clamps
-Clean high quality 2/3mm tip solder iron [ chisel type recommended ]

The PCB is double sided, and any mistakes soldering parts such as the LED display are practically impossible to fix later on!


  • Width: 17HP
  • Depth: 25mm
  • Power Consumption: 60 mA +12V, 5 mA -12V

Vector Wave – Build Document | User Manual

Additional information

Weight 0.291 kg
HP Size

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