Befaco ‘Muxlicer’ – Full DIY Kit

£110.00 (Excl. VAT)

Bi-directional switch, sequencer, advanced pattern generator and more!

Check out the brand new MEX expander for the Muxlicer here too!

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SKU: Kit_Befaco_Muxslicer Categories: , , , , , Brand: HP Size: 16 HP


Muxlicer is a sequential signal processor designed to give a huge range of special functions to your modular setup in the minimum amount of space. The module is divided in three main blocks: a Digital Step Controller, a Gate Generator and an Analog Switch (a.k.a. Mux/DeMux).

Muxlicer can be used as a CV sequencer, advanced gate sequencer with ratchets/bursts/re-triggers and also a bi-directional 8-way sequential switch, with the ability to route one input to several outputs or several inputs to one output. The module features an internal tap tempo clock, but it can also be clocked externally with division/multiplication control. There is a reset input, EOC out, and also a clock output with it’s own division/multiplication control. The sequencer can also be CV addressed to move through it’s stages and can also be played in one-shot mode. With one-shot play through and an additional external slew limiter you can create some unique 8 stage envelopes. Muxslicer is designed with high “function to HP ratio” philosophy, giving you many options and maximum flexibility in minimum space.

Build Document – Assembly Guide


  • Route any modular signal from one IN up to eight different Outs or vice versa.
  • Generate CV and Gate signals, able to work as sequential voltage source a.k.a. sequencer.
  • Cut audio signals in rhythmical slices with independent volume.
  • Generate complex and dynamic patterns from any audio or modulation signal.
  • Create powerful Gate sequences with control voltage retriggering for each step.
  • Select easily when your signals act on your patch with the Address function.


Additional information

Weight 0.259 kg
HP Size

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